译文 – 全球最受欢迎的「圣经」数字化项目背后的思考(数字在圣经中的预表)

译文 - 全球最受欢迎的「圣经」数字化项目背后的思考(数字在圣经中的预表)

文本编辑 | 郑颖

视觉设计 | 陆志强


Harness Customer Networks


When he joined Life Church in Oklahoma as a pastor, Bobby Gruenewald was only two years out of college, but he had already built and sold two Web-based businesses, including an online community for fans of professional wrestling. At Life Church, he focused on a community of a different kind. He was brought on as Innovation Leader to help the three-year-old evangelical church find new ways to reach a contemporary audience and engage them in Christianity.

当Bobby Gruenewald 加入俄克拉荷马州的生命教会担任牧师时,他刚大学毕业两年,但是已经建立并出售了两家网络企业。在生命教会中,他专注于一个别样的社区。Gruenewald被任命为创新领袖,协助成立仅三年的福音派教会摸索到吸引当受众的新方法,并让他们融入基督教。

Many churches today use podcasts or streaming broadcasts of their weekly sermons to reach parishioners on their commute, at home, or wherever they can listen. Life Church has gone much further, building a “digital mission” that includes on-demand and live-streaming video services at LifeChurch.tv and a platform of technology tools for other churches to use as well. During the heyday of the Second Life online community, Gruenewald built a virtual church to reach believers in their 3D avatar forms.He has bought Google ads to reach people searching for pornography and steer them to a church experience instead. As he tweeted, “We’ll do anything short of sin 2reach ppl who don’t know Christ. 2reach ppl no one is reaching we’ll do things no one is doing.”

当下,在人们通勤期间、家中或者任何能够收听的地方,许多教堂都会使用播客或每周布道的流媒体广播将信息传达给教区居民。生命教会如今已获得突飞猛进的发展,肩负起"数字使命",其中包括LifeChurch.tv以及一个其他教会同样会使用的技术平台都要提供点播和直播视频服务。在Second Life在线社区的鼎盛时期,Gruenewald建立了一个虚拟教堂,以3D的形式展现给信徒。他购买了谷歌的广告,利用广告来引导搜索色情内容的人去教堂参与体验。正如他在推特上所说的,"除了做犯罪的事之外,我们将竭尽全力地影响那些不了解基督的人。我们将敢为天下先,去影响那些无视的人们。"

Gruenewald’s biggest impact, though, may be in creating YouVersion,the world’s most popular Bible app for smartphones. With more than 168 million downloads, the app rivals some of the biggest mobile games and social networks. YouVersion allows users to read the Bible in over 700 languages, from Eastern Arctic Inukitut to Hawaiian English Creole;it is the only mobile app in the world that includes such obscure languages as Bolivian Guarani. Within a given language, there are numerous translations, including 30 versions in English—from the King James Bible, to the New International, to the ultramodern “The Message.” Readers can pick and choose a translation, search for any passage or phrase, and highlight,bookmark, and share what they are reading with others. Readers share more than a hundred thousand verses a day, directly from the app. User Jen Sears, a human resources manager in Oklahoma City, says that when she wants to pray, she now reaches for her mobile phone. Since she installed YouVersion, she says, “I have my print Bible sitting on my dresser at home, but it hasn’t moved.”

不过,Gruenewald最大的影响可能是开发了YouVersion,这是智能手机端,全球最受欢迎的《圣经》应用。下载量超1.68亿次的YouVersion可以和一些大型手机游戏和社交网络同台竞技。YouVersion已经将《圣经》翻译成700多种语言,从北极东部的因纽特语到夏威夷英语克里奥尔语都涵盖在内;它是世界上唯一包含玻利维亚瓜拉尼语等晦涩语言的手机应用程序。在特定的语言中,有无数种翻译,英文译本就有《钦定版圣经》、《新国际》,再到超现代的《讯息》等30个版本。读者可以挑选一种翻译,找寻任何的段落、短语、亮点,将其标记下来并把正在阅读的内容分享给他人。读者每天从应用里直接分享10多万首诗。用户Jen Sears是俄克拉荷马城的一名人力资源经理,她说,当想要祈祷的时候,她会拿出手机。自从安装了YouVersion,她表示:"我已经把印刷版本的《圣经》放在了家里的梳妆台上,并且再也没有触碰过它。"

Every Sunday, screens are aglow in the hands of parishioners at nearly 2,000 churches that use YouVersion to conduct their services. As ministers preach, LifeChurch.tv’s servers track 600,000 requests per minute and register which verses are most popular in different communities. That helps Life Church choose the daily Bible verse that is sent out to all 168 million users of the app. Other preachers, from megachurch founder Rick Warren to Reverend Billy Graham, use YouVersion to distribute their own custom reading plans to followers anywhere around the world. Geoff Dennis, one of the publishers whose translation appears on YouVersion, says, “They have defined what it means to access God’s word on a mobile device.”

每周日,在近2000个使用YouVersion进行服务的教堂里,教区居民手中的屏幕都在发光。作为牧师布道,LifeChurch.tv的服务器每分钟跟踪60万次请求,并记录不同社区最流行的诗句。这帮助生命教会为1.68亿用户选择每日经文。其他的牧师,从Megachurch的创始人Rick Warren到Billy Graham牧师,都在使用YouVersion向世界各地的追随者们传达他们自己的定制阅读计划。"Geoff Dennis,YouVersion"上的一位译文出版商,他表示:“他们已经定义了在移动设备上使用上帝的话语意味着什么。”

Rethinking Customers


On-demand, customizable, connected, shareable—the same qualities that LifeChurch.tv offers to engage its digital-age parishioners are what customers seek from every business today.


As we begin to build our playbook for digital transformation, the first domain of strategy that we need to rethink is customers. Customers have always been essential to every business as the buyers of goods and services.In order to grow, companies have targeted them with mass-marketing tools designed to reach, inform, motivate, and persuade them to buy. But in the digital age, the relationship of customers to businesses is changing dramatically .


Another industry where this changed relationship is crystal clear is the music business. Not long ago, the only role of the customer was to buy a copy of the latest product (a CD or an LP). To sell their products, record labels relied on a few mass channels for promotion (radio airplay, MTV) and distribution (chain record stores, Walmart). Today, customers expect to listen to any song at any time, streaming from a variety of services on a variety of devices. They discover music through search engines, social media, and the recommendations of both friends and algorithms. Musicians may skip the record label and go directly to the customers themselves. They ask customers to help fundraise for an album before it is even recorded, to share it on their playlists, and to connect their favorite bands to peers in their social networks.


Customers in the digital age are not passive consumers but nodes within dynamic networks—interacting and shaping brands, markets, and each other. Businesses need to recognize this new reality and treat customers accordingly. They need to understand how customer networks are redefining the marketing funnel, reshaping customers’ path to purchase,and opening up new ways to co-create value with customers. Businesses need to understand the five core behaviors—access, engage, customize,connect, and collaborate—that drive customers in their digital experiences and interactions. And they need to leverage these behaviors to invent new communications, products, or experiences that add value to both sides of the business-customer relationship.


This chapter explores how and why the relationship to customers is changing in every industry and what the challenges are for enterprises that developed in the mass-media era. It presents a framework for understanding customers’ networked behaviors and motivations. And it introduces the Customer Network Strategy Generator, an ideation tool for developing breakthrough strategies to engage your networked customers and achieve specific business objectives.


Let’s start by looking more closely at how and why the relationship of customers to businesses is changing so fundamentally.


The Customer Network Paradigm


Today, customers’ behavior—how they find, access, use, share, and influence the products, services, and brands in their lives—is radically different than in the era in which modern business practices arose.


In the twentieth century, businesses of all kinds were built on a mass-market model (see figure 2.1). In this paradigm, customers are passive and are considered in aggregate. Their only significant role is to either purchase or not purchase, and companies seek to identify the product or service that will suit the needs of as many potential customers as possible. Mass media and mass production are used to deliver and promote a company’s offerings to as many customers as possible. Success in the mass-market model hinges on efficiencies of scale. And for decades, it worked! Throughout the twentieth century, this approach built the world’s largest and most successful companies.


Today, however, we are in the midst of a profound shift toward a new paradigm that I call the customer network model . In this model, the firm is still a central actor in the creation and promotion of goods and services. But the new roles of customers create a more complex relationship. No longer are they relegated to a binary role of “buy” or “do not buy.” In the customer network model, current and potential customers have access to a wide variety of digital platforms that allow them to interact, publish, broadcast, and innovate—and thereby shape brands,reputations, and markets. Customers are just as likely to connect with and influence each other as they are to be influenced by the direct communications from a firm. Borrowing from the rich theories of network science (which date back to eighteenth-century mathematics and have been applied to model the spread of language and disease and the structures of railroads and nervous systems), we can see customers as nodes in a network, linked together digitally by various tools and platforms and interacting dynamically.


译文 - 全球最受欢迎的「圣经」数字化项目背后的思考(数字在圣经中的预表)

译文 - 全球最受欢迎的「圣经」数字化项目背后的思考(数字在圣经中的预表)

In a market defined by customer networks, the roles of companies are dramatically different as well. Yes, the firm is still the greatest single engine for innovation of products and services, and still the steward of its brand and reputation. But while delivering value outward to customers and communicating to them, the firm also needs to engage with its customer net-work. It needs to listen in, observe the customers’ networked interactions,and understand their perceptions, responses, and unmet needs. It needs to identify and nurture those customers who may become brand champions,

evangelists, marketing partners, or cocreators of value with the firm.


One of the main points in the model of customer networks is that a“customer” can be any key constituency that the organization serves and relies on. Customers may be end consumers purchasing a product or businesses purchasing professional services. For a nonprofit, they may be donors or grassroots volunteers. In many cases, it is important to look at a range of interconnected constituencies that are all within an organization’s customer network: end consumers, business partners, investors, press, government regulators, even employees. All of these types of customers are critical to the business of a firm, and all of them now exhibit dynamic,networked behaviors in relating to the firm and to each other.


